What No One Tells You About Living Alone

By Simplified by Dub - August 15, 2019

Moving out of my parents house and living alone for a year was a great experience so far. Deciding on getting a place of my own was a bit scary at first, but after hearing "roommate problems" from my co-workers and friends, I knew I made a good decision. But not all times I was happy about living alone.

If you have been planning to get a place of your own for a while now, you might consider these things before you do:

1. Deliveries and Repairs.  Let's just say you don't work from home or you could be in so many places at one time, but somebody calls to deliver or repair something and you have to come home ASAP. Lucky for me, I could leave my work place when I didn't have any class but sometimes, its tiring for me to travel back to my apartment to attend these type of things.

What I do now, is that I address my orders or delivery at my work place and schedule repairs after work hours or during the weekends.

2. It can get lonely and boring. Even though you have a lot of friends, or a boy/girlfriend, there comes a time when it gets lonely or boring at night.

During my first month in my apartment, I constantly watched TV shows and movies to distract me and I also started blogging again to keep me busy. After that, I brought my dog into my apartment to lessen the loneliness and accompany me during my morning and evening walks/jogs.

3. You will fear for your safety or well-being from time to time. A week before moving in, I was so worried about what my first night in the apartment would be like and I doubted the safety of my neighborhood. My shift during the first 5 months at work would end around 9PM and I would come home almost 10 in the evening.

Having my dog with me makes all the difference in the world. And when I hear something unusual outside and I get mini-panics about my safety, I would go and double-check my windows and doors and remind myself I'm going to be fine.

4. Nobody zips your dress for you or checks if you look great or not. If you have seen the movie "How to be Single", it is all kinds of "relate" when living alone. One of those things were zipping the back of your dress alone. It is my worst nightmare. I usually had my mom or sister zip my dress or I'd ask them if my top and bottom combo is good back at home. Having a full-body length mirror should be a necessity when living alone.

As for zipping your dress there are three things to solve this problem. One, give your arms a bit of stretch everyday. By stretching your arms, you are more likely to pull that zipper, honey. Two, donate or try to refrain from buying those type of clothes. Three, well, you could make a magnet that pulls the zipper just like the main character in "How to be Single".

5. Its all on you. If you get sick, you have to suck it up and take care of yourself, my advice is to keep medicines at home (such as cough, fever, flu, pain relief, diarrhea meds, etc.). You're rent and bills? All on you. If you leave dirty dishes on your sink, you are going to go home with dirty dishes on your sink. If you left food on the table that has gone bad, then scold yourself. One of the toughest things I had to do by myself now is grocery and market shopping. I don't do this back at home. I had to learn the hard way to lift things, deciding and purchasing groceries in the market and carry everything I bought in a public transpo.

6.  Forgetting things. I'm a forgetful person. It was a honestly challenge now that I am on my own. When I forget to give my dog water or unplug my fan or close my back door, I got nobody to ask or do these things. I have to literally go back from work and do it.

7. Mastering portion control could be difficult and you may have to throw out a lot of food from time to time. I always cook during the weekends. And I would tell myself the leftovers (if there are) are for weekday dinners. But I sometimes forget this and I'd buy dinner already or have dinner with friends. At the end of the week, when I'm cleaning out the fridge, I get sad because of the leftovers that went bad and needed to be thrown out.

8. If you die, nobody will probably know. This might be a bit exaggerated. But a bit scary as well. If you are choking and couldn't breathe, nobody's gonna help you.

So there you have it, just a few disadvantages about living alone based on my experiences. As of the moment I'm living with my parents but will be be living alone again soon.

If you're living alone, comment down below you're experiences.😄


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