Signs its Time to Declutter Again | Minimalism Series

By Simplified by Dub - July 06, 2019

signs its time to declutter again minimalism

Decluttering again doesn't mean you have failed as a minimalist. In fact, it means you have grown as a minimalist. As the saying goes, the only thing that is constant is change.

In time, people change, along with experiences our perspectives and beliefs change. If you have realized the value of hard work and money, your needs might change as well. As we grow older, the items that you would have loved 10 years ago, might not currently be the apple of your eyes anymore.

Hence, with minimalism, expect to declutter more in the future. That being said, how do you identify if you have to declutter again?

1. You keep organizing stuff and tidying up. When you have reached the point when you are constantly organizing things in boxes, or you are spending more time cleaning compared to when you just finished decluttering. I know after my first declutter, my cleaning time was cut to half.

2. If you are a visual person, you feel overwhelmed looking at a space. I admit, now that I am living back with my parents, there are certain days when I leave my room open I would come home to a clean room because my mom took her precious time to help me during my busy days. And I feel so glad 'cause visually, my room looks spacious as if no one is living there. But when my desk or bedside table is a mess, I feel a bit overwhelmed. I couldn't work properly, I couldn't focus. I've placed parcels, money, or knick knacks on these surfaces. Sometimes a good old cleaning and organizing will do the trick but often times, we need to declutter the space again and throw away things that aren't needed.

3. When it takes time for you to change or you start telling yourself "I've got nothing to wear". I am a true believer of this assessment. I used to take time finding clothes, fitting them and then finding other pieces to make it "look better". But as I gave away the clothes that don't fit me anymore, simplified my clothing, style and accessories, I spend less time getting ready in the morning.

4. Your closets, cupboards or organizers are full. If you find yourself hoarding your stuff once again, reassess or ask yourself if there are items in these containers or closets that you haven't used or you want to give or throw away. I bet you there will be at least one.

When do you think should we declutter again???


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