How a Life of Minimalism Could Lead to a Life of Travel | Minimalism Series

By Simplified by Dub - July 04, 2019

how a life of minimalism could lead to a life of travel

Back in college, my relatives and friends would often ask me if I wanted to go on a trip with them during a long weekend or the holidays. I would often tell them that I can't because I don't have the time or money to go with them. Which was true because I didn't have a job in college and simply focused with my studies and extra curricular activities at school. In graduate school, I was fortunate to have a scholarship but I didn't have much time to travel (just a few visits to my dad) because I feel guilty to travel when the government was paying my tuition fees and monthly allowances to study during my free time. But as I started working, I still wasn't able to go with friends and family to travel because I was drowned with my first work. 

Months later, I realized I spent 7 years in university to earn and enjoy my hard earned money but now I couldn't even relax or take a break because I'm still hustling with my job that could sufficiently pay the bills, rent and buy me groceries but no savings at all. It made me reflect my financial situation: I spent 1/5 of my salary on a small but safe apartment, 2/5-3/5 on my needs & wants and 1/5 on insurance, taxes, etc. I also reflected on the future of my career, after months of working there I don't think I have a great chance on my future graduate study plans. But the bottom line: I was gaining weight, I wasn't happy, I didn't feel secured with my career and finances, and my plans of seeing and experiences different places wasn't happening. 

During this time, I was still starting my minimalism journey, and I tried decluttering my finances by cutting out unnecessary spendings and I went to my first trip with my co-workers and friends. I didn't like the 4 hour drive but I did enjoy the view and experiences I had with my friends. And I knew I wanted to do this from time to time. Eventually, I resigned from my first job and moved back into my parents' home and worked in my home town. 

I have traveled to new places with my friends and family more than I expected. I'm not like typical minimalists that left their 9 to 5 jobs, packed their bags and bought a one way ticket. I have a day job and I'm saving money to travel and to pursue a higher education studies in the future. But how did embracing a minimalist lifestyle lead me to a life of travel?

1. Minimalism gave me more time and energy for things that matter to me (friends, family, self care, career) and fewer unnecessary commitments. Since decluttering my things and my schedule, I have less time cleaning and I say no to activities that I don't really like doing. Hence, I have the energy to accept challenges to prosper my career and more free time with my friends, family which eventually led to our plans to explore and gain experiences from different places.
2. Minimalism lead me to a life of no unnecessary spending and no debt. I do feel fortunate that I don't have student loans but I also made sure not to have any credit card debt. Since graduating college, I made a strict rule of not getting a credit card. This prevented me from doing unnecessary spending or late night (half-awake) purchases. Withdrawing money from the machine and paying things in cash or debit is more tangible and I could really feel the money slipping through my fingers and I have more self-control with spending. However, I know some use to pay their bills or necessities using a credit card, my tip is to make sure you track your spending and spend less than your budget. "What if I have debt? Does that mean I don't get to travel?", you might ask. Most of my favorite minimalist Youtubers, are currently paying their student loans as well as saving money and travelling. It is all a matter of budgeting. 
3. Minimalism makes me flexible with food and accommodations but it doesn't hurt to splurge sometimes too. When travelling, I'm comfortable booking a 2-3 star hotel or back packing or crashing at a friend's house. I would sometimes eat street food or at food courts. I'm fine with anything as long as it is safe and clean. However, there are times that I like to splurge a little bit with food and accommodations, since I have taken control of my finances. 
4. Minimalism helps me identify the stuff I need. By drawing a clear line of the items that I need or spark happiness to me and items that don't, I get to simplify my lifestyle. This is truly helpful with traveling, as you get to travel light.
5. Minimalism helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Every decision I make (even every move I'm about to do), I always ask myself, "Do I really want to do this? Do I want to travel to this place with friends?". If my answer is NO, then I ask myself again, "Then what do I want to do?". 

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