7 Tips on How to Organize Your Schedule

By Simplified by Dub - July 13, 2019

organize your schedule

My life has been a whirlwind of meetings, paper work, deadlines and readings. But having a hectic schedule is nothing new to me since I have been juggling multiple tasks since college. And with little effort on organizing my schedule, I have managed to balance everything. Here are the tips I learned and applied throughout the years:

1. Get a planner. The secret of an organized person is his/her planner. May it be a physical planner (Filofax, bullet journal) or a digital planner on your phone, its helpful to document the important events, matters, appointments you have done or will be doing in the future. 

2. Time block. I learned this tip from Aileen of Lavendaire, she discussed how to time block your day. Time blocking is creating a realistic schedule of your daily tasks, the same way classes are scheduled. For example, you schedule 8-9 AM for work, 1-3 PM to study, 4-5 PM to go to the gym, etc. It helps you assign important tasks and eliminate tasks that are not so important. 

3. Prioritize. In connection to the previous point, prioritize by identifying what task is urgent, important, can be postponed for later or cancelled. 

4. Plan your day the night before. Before leaving work or before going to bed, right down the things you have to accomplish the next day. Usually when the day ends, there are things I still have to do but lacked time. I like to jot down tasks for tomorrow before leaving because if I make my list first thing in the morning, chances are I may miss out a few things. 

5. Take effective breaks and allow interruptions in your schedule. Don't forget to take a breather from your hectic schedule. Refresh your mind by taking a walk around your office, refilling your water bottle, or spending your lunch break outside. Time might be very precious for you but self-care is much more valuable.

6. Create a routine. Developing a daily routine can help us feel more in control of our tasks and make room for all that is important. We can cope with change, form healthy habits, reduce missing out tasks, and manage stress levels. Some examples would be morning routine, work routine, self-care routine at night, etc. 

7. Keep an organized desk. I'm a visual person, and I like to keep my stuff accessible but organized to spend less time rummaging through boxes. During a vacant day, I usually file, declutter and organize my things to keep on top of it. 

What tips could you add to the list? Comment down below!

organize your schedule

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