Apotheke Firming Toner Review | Local Sustainable Skincare Review

By Simplified by Dub - September 23, 2020

Apotheke Firming Toner Review


If you have seen my skincare routine video in Youtube, I mentioned that I have been using products from the Apotheke line and I'm loving it! Many months ago, I purchased the full range to really experience the entire line and I can say that I have been using all of their products. 

Today, we are going to talk about the Apotheke Firming Toner which clears, cleanses, tightens and brightens skin tone. The packaging is a plastic spray bottle that could be sent back to Apotheke for recycling (if you return 15 empty Apotheke bottles, you can get 15% discount on your next purchase!). I personally like using spray bottles for toners as it is so refreshing, I would simply spray it directly on my face just like what I would do with a face mist. It was also noted that you could store this in the fridge for a cooling effect. 

The toner contains pure organic Australian Rose, Witchhazel, St. John's wort and green tea hydrolat. It is 100% organic and all-natural. It is free from parabens, sulfates, synthetic chemicals, toxins, additives and phthalates. It also cruelty-free!

Overall, I do love this toner and I give it 5/5 as it gives me the most refreshing sensation when I use it. I like the scent and it doesn't dry out my skin. Plus it is only 259 pesos! A really inexpensive product that is worth every penny. I am currently on my second bottle, which means I really love it. 

What's your favorite sustainable toner? 

Apotheke Firming Toner Review

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