Simple Ways to be Happy

By Simplified by Dub - May 06, 2020

With the current situation, you might feel overwhelmed or not your usual self. Who can blame you, right? The good news is, there are several ways you can improve your mood and be happy even when you are at home.

1. Give to others. Have you ever experienced giving to other people in need? Or even just helping your neighbor or giving a hand to a stranger?  When we do these things, we usually end up feeling happy and blessed. If you can't give what you have to others, saying a simple prayer for them could just be the same.

2. Surround yourself with positive people. I used to surround myself with negative people (and at that time I didn't think they were). I suddenly found myself super unhappy and starting to become negative myself; my family was noticing it too. Hence, I chose a different set of friends and tried to be my old happy self again.

3. Smile more. As they say, fake it 'til you make it. But don't force it though, when you find yourself in an upsetting situation, try to look at the brighter side of things.

4. Do things that make you happy. It may be a hobby, a job, anything really. I work a 8-5 job and I sometimes find myself wanting a different scenario in my life. That's why I have my blog and Youtube channel, my two hobbies that make me feel happy when I make a new content and press publish every single time.

5. Cook or eat your favorite food. When we eat our favorite "comfort" food, we immediately feel so much better than we used to. But don't overdo it, ok?

6. Eat more fruits and veggies. Did you know that diet affects your psychological health? Studies show that eating lots of fruits and vegetables is correlated with a substantial gain in mental well-being, happiness, and overall life satisfaction.

7. Go for a walk or do a fun exercise. When you feel sluggish or not yourself, go for a walk outside or do a fun exercise. When you're done, you will instantly feel a lot better, happier and proud of yourself for accomplishing it.

8. Sleep more. Getting a good night's rest can actually improve your mood and health as sleep lowers your blood pressure.

9. Care less about work when you are not working. If you're working from home like me, try to detach yourself from work when it's not you're scheduled time to work.


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