
Low Waste Habits During Lockdown

By Simplified by Dub - April 15, 2020

The current situation with COVID-19 has already gave us clear skies but with millions of us isolated at home, there are several simple ways we could still help the environment:

1. Eat more veggies. Scientists have expressed that eating less meat is the single most effective way an individual can reduce their impact on the planet. The impact of animal agriculture on the environment is discussed more in the 2014 documentary film, Cowspiracy. It investigates the policies of environmental organizations on the issue.

2. Reduce food waste. If you want to step up your game, you can reduce your food waste by being creative of the food scraps you have like making a veggie stock from veggie scraps or like tip #4.

3. Buy in bulk. Buying in bulk may require more storage and money. But it could also save you from going back to the store and it would be safer for you logically.

4. Grow your own food by planting fruit or vegetable scraps. If you have a garden or even just a window ledge, why not try to grow your own by saving vegetable scraps? Carrots, spring onions, lettuce, potato, tomatoes, avocado are just simple fruits and veggies you can start planting using the seed or scraps.

5. Shop at zero-waste stores and support local brands. If your local zero-waste stores are open during this time, I recommend supporting them by buying supplies from them (if you can) or as simple as sharing their website or page in your social media feed would definitely be helpful for them as they are highly affected by the current situation.

6. DIY if you can. Before the lockdown started, I wasn't able to buy disinfectant and only limited cleaning supplies were available. I decided not to buy any (so that other people who need it can buy it), and thought of making my own at home. Here are some of my DIYs:

Before the community quarantine, Lysol literally flew off the shelves. I found this DIY Zero Waste Disinfectant Spray by @greenifyme I honestly prefer this disinfectant spray as it is safer and my dog doesn’t like Lysol 🥺 it makes her sneeze a lot. What I used: Glass spray bottle (best when using citrus essential oils) 70% ethanol alcohol (you could also use isopropyl alcohol) 20 drops of tea tree oil 25 drops of orange essential oil You could also add 25 drops of lavender essential oil but I love the citrus scent. Fill your glass spray bottle with alcohol first, then add the essential oils. Cap the bottle and give it a good shake. You can use this DIY disinfectant spray on door handles, yoga mats, light switches, faucets, remote controls, trashcans, etc. Thank you Ariana for this super easy DIY! #zerowaste #plasticfree #greenbeauty #noplanetb #savetheenvironment #zerowastehome #lesswaste #reducewaste #saveourplanet #wasteless #lowwasteliving #zerowasteliving #lowimpactmovement #intentionalliving #yayforearth #zerowastetips #zerowastelifestyle #zerowasteshopping #zerowastefood #zerowastebeauty #zerowastelife #goingzerowaste #ecoliving #zeroplastic #ecolifestyle #sustainableliving #waronwaste #ecoconscious #zerowasteph
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7. Do laundry less frequently. Doing laundry less frequently not only does it save you money by not having to buy laundry detergent often, it also reduces the wear and tear of your clothes and visits to the grocery store. Unless you have been out of your house or exposed to somebody who has symptoms of COVID-19, then I recommend reusing some of your clothes that still smell good.

8. Do not panic buy. Before shopping, check your cupboards, pantry, cabinets, supplies, etc. and list down what you really need and how long it would last you. Do prevent panic buying at this time and give other people a chance to purchase things that they might "need".

9. Conserve water and energy. Simple habits such as turning off the water when you aren't using it or switching off your lights when you are not in the room can save a lot of water and energy over time.

What low waste habits do you do during lockdown?

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