50 Things that Make Me Happy

By Simplified by Dub - November 05, 2019

Let's Start:

1. Productive days
2. Watching a great movie
3. Getting positive feedback from my blog
4. Reading my favorite blogs
5. Reading a good book
6. Finding inspiration for my dream home
7. The smell of a newly baked cake
8. Doing an at-home spa routine
9. Doing my skincare routine
10. Finding a multipurpose product that really works
11. Getting in bed
12. New bed sheets!
13. Shopping for fruits
14. Wearing cozy Pajamas
15. Finding a pretty and comfy piece of clothing
16. Watching the skyline at night
17. Being near the sea
18. Rain
19. The smell of fresh laundry
20. Cooking a decent meal for me or my family
21. Days when I feel inspired or creative
22. Gift shopping for friends or family
23. Waking up anxiety-free
24. Spending time alone
25. Arriving after a long travel
26. Writing
27. Jazz and classical music
28. Inspiring or informative podcasts
29. A straight 7-8 hour sleep
30. Blogging
31. Food cheat days
32. Finding a new sustainable beauty or fashion brand
33. Finding new zero waste ideas or product
34. Online shopping for sustainable products
35. Avocado + milk
36. Eating something delicious and healthy!
37. The smell of essential oils when I walk into a room
38. The smell of vanilla scented perfumes or lotion
39. The feeling after cleaning or organizing
40. My dogs especially my MinPin, Chanel, who has been with me through thick or thin
41. The sound that the hanging bells (I got from Japan) makes
42. Being sustainable, plastic free or zero waste
42. Watering my herb garden
43. My family. I enjoy spending time, talking and eating with them.
44. The smell of my old tiny black pillow
45. Walking
46. Eating cheesecake, any cheesecake
47. The sound of birds chirping
48. Packing up for another trip
49. Planning
50. Doing yoga

What are the 50 things that make you happy?


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