DIY All Purpose Cleaner | Zero Waste Cleaning

By Simplified by Dub - October 08, 2019

DIY All Purpose Cleaner, Zero Waste Cleaning

When I first tried to learn more about going zero waste, I had read about the products I used to use in my home and what I learned was pretty scary. They are highly toxic and could cause health problems such as dizziness, respiratory problems, skin irritation, and more.

I have been using this all purpose cleaner recipe since moving out of my parents house to save money. I use it to wipe surfaces and floors. There are actually two recipes here: the one with castile soap is great for granite and marble surfaces.

  • Water
  • Distilled white vinegar or castile soap
  • Tea tree oil
  • Essential Oil (optional)
  • Spray Bottle
1. Fill your spray bottle halfway with water.
2. Fill the rest with distilled white vinegar or 1 table spoon of castile soap (for every cup of water).
3. Add 10-20 drops of your choice of essential oil. I like to use lavender and tea tree oil.
4. Wipe away using rags using cleaning towels or cut up old t-shirts.

There you have it! Isn't natural cleaning super simple? What are your favorite natural cleaning recipes?


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